What is YOUR theme for 2017? As you intend, so it will be.

Happy New Year! I love new beginnings. Everything is fresh and clean. It’s a moment to start over. Think different. Set new goals and make new promises (to yourself, of course).

One of my favorite practices is to set a theme for the year. Last year my theme was joy; the year before it was courage.

I find that wherever I focus my attention, that’s what I experience.

I think I laughed more last year than any year before. And 2015 gave me the courage to re-focus my business and dive into love.

For 2017, my theme is TRUST.

First, I love how those letters look – so tall, stately and solid. It’s a word you can lean on.

And Trust has such deep meaning. It means letting go. Trusting my instincts. Trusting my man. Trusting in my path.

It means that I trust in the flow of my life – attracting the right clients, attracting the right experiences (good or not-so-good), attracting in love, more-than-enough money; life flows with ease.

I trust that the answers I’m looking for are already here – inside of me – I trust my gut to lead me to the right decisions and actions.

I trust in love. I trust my man and I trust myself in giving myself wholly to the experience of love.

I trust my needs are always covered. The universe has my back.

I trust my son – I’ve done my best as a mom and now that he is 18 (on Friday!) he is his own man. He has shown himself to be worthy of my trust over and over again. It’s time for this mom to let go.

What is your theme for 2017? Comment below and let me know. Sharing it is declaring it! Become the creatrix of your own experience and define the outcome of your year now.

Talk soon!

Deb Signature

Are you ready for your Great Do-Over?

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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