Stim·u·lus …

… a thing that rouses activity or energy in someone or something; a spur or incentive.

This morning I woke up thinking… I need a new stimulus… Something or someone new that spurs me to the next level.

Sometimes I feel as if I can see something bigger… but it’s like being inside the membrane of an egg… the light comes through, but there’s a barrier there. I can’t see what’s in the way, but I know it’s there and it’s frustrating because I want it to go away so that I can get whatever this thing is on the other side.

Do you know what I mean?

Have you ever been in a place where you wanted something so much, you could feel, see, smell and taste it, but something was getting in the way of you actually “being it?”

I want someone to pull me, push me, stretch me… show me a me that which I don’t see. Explore the possibilities. Pull out my big dreams and small prayers.

It’s times like this when I look around for something, someone to shake me up a bit. Show me something I don’t know. Take me on a journey to me.

As I look back, I’ve already come so far… I left a bad marriage, started a business, parented a son to college, found true love, midwifed the dreams of others… it’s a great resume. But there’s something more. Bigger. Just as beautiful. And I feel like I must be getting in my own way.

I’m an overachiever (can you relate?) I never gather any moss on this journey of constant transformation. Don’t get me wrong, I pause to smell the ocean, spend long leisurely mornings in bed and ask often, “what would bring me joy in this moment?” I am a pleasure seeker.

But I’m also on a mission. I’m going somewhere and to get there I need stimulus.

Have you ever thought… “I need something, someone to help me find my way… I know there is something out there… not necessarily bigger, but better? Something I can feel passionate about. But what is it and how do I get there?”  

Others around me – coaches, gurus and guides show me a deeper path into me. They help me release barriers I didn’t know were there. Releasing them allows me to experience greater levels of success and satisfaction. I feel like I’m closer to being ‘me.’

The women’s movement was good and not-so-good

For women in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s… man we’ve had a long road. The women’s movement spurred us on to take on bigger challenges – equal pay for equal work. We succeeded and in many cases surpassed our male counterparts – mostly by acting like men.

There are many places where we sold ourselves short. We earn $.80 on every dollar for men and 40% of us are the primary wage earners in our households.

But, where did we go? Where did the woman in us get lost along this spectrum of equality and success? We earned the paycheck but sacrificed the joy. 

We lost the joy of creation, of being guided by intuition, leading from passion, and making the world, or just our immediate universe, a better place. We lost our center.

It’s no wonder that coaching has become a $2.4B industry and it’s growth is second only to information technology, and that women entrepreneurs make up 40% of all entrepreneurs in the U.S. But only 2% of women entrepreneurs hit the $1 million mark in revenues.

We are in desperate need of gurus and guides to show us the way to help us release our own barriers to joy and fulfillment… we need others to act as mirrors that reflect our greatness so that we can see it ourselves – and act on it.

Are you feeling the need for stimulus?

Are you looking through the membrane and can’t seem to get on the other side? Let’s talk about it. I have made room for five stimulating breakthrough conversations on my calendar for the next week.

Grab yours here.

Together we will illuminate what is standing in the way of you embracing all that you are. I will be the power of your stimulus.

My gift. My pleasure.

Deb Signature

Master Your Mindset. Master Your Business.
How to stop sabotaging your own success.

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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