‘Let it go’

You hear over and over again. Sometimes by well-meaning friends and relatives, but what does it mean to let it go?

It’s a surrender to that which you can’t control.”

A belief in the highest good for all – especially you.

It’s the knowing that you are on a path and that you are in the perfect place at just the right time.

It’s important to master this art of letting go because attaching to anything – or anyone – brings more pain and suffering. And pain and suffering are an indication that you are not on your path, but off your path.

So instead of attaching to the pain, what if you looked for the pleasure?

What if you just asked, “What is it that I want to do instead?”

This happens to me all the time in my business. I get what I think is brilliant idea, we put a strategy in place and launch a new plan and… it turns out not to work.

Instead of letting it go, I tend to start striving – pushing harder to make it work. The pushing harder makes a lot more work, but it doesn’t make it right.

Do I beat myself up over it? Not any more.

I have learned to let it go. Sit back. Ask questions. Seek new answers.

This is especially hard for the perfectionists among us. We look at the glass half empty instead of half full. Success is attached to ‘who I am’ (which it’s not, but that’s what you may believe.)

It’s time to detach from the judgment and suffering and instead get interested in the “why.”  

Ask yourself, “Isn’t this interesting? Why didn’t it work? What can I do differently next time?”

Stop taking your results personally – whether it’s on your projects or in your relationships. When a project fails, or a relationship didn’t turn out as you hoped, it’s not because you did anything wrong to cause it. It was not the right project or person for you right at this moment.

So what can you let go of today? What burden or thought are you attached to that is causing you to lose sleep or spin your gears?

Are you attached to a relationship that you know isn’t working?

Are you attached to a job that isn’t fulfilling?

Are you attached to a self judgment that is holding you back?

Are you attached to a resentment that is poisoning your now?

What if you just reside in the question?

What is the best opportunity for me to be successful right now? How can I find a partner who loves and respects me for me? What will it take for me to be happy in this situation?

Then trust in your own answers.

Did this hit home with you? Leave a comment below.   What are you holding onto? Are you ready to let it go?

Deb Signature

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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