Online dating for women over 50 can be a huge challenge.

First, there’s generally a smaller pool of available men in your age range. Second, many of those older men are looking for newer models. Third, on almost every dating site, you are exposed to fake profiles, scammers, and some generally less desirable characters.

It takes some emotional resiliance to have success online dating when you’re over 50. Here’s how to improve your odds..

I’m a huge fan of online dating sites and social media in general. It’s great to meet new people and keep in touch with family, friends and business connections.

But lately, I’ve been reading posts on our Facebook group about women over 50 having some bad experiences with online dating. There are complaints galore about insulting text messages and run-ins with fakes and frauds. While these experiences are the worst part of using online dating to meet someone, it’s not the entire game. How resilient you are will make the difference between finding love and giving up and leaving it all to fate.

When you’re frutstrated, the natural tendency is to vent about what’s not working. Soon, you’ll be attracting others who feel the same and are piling on to share in the pain (social media is great for this). All it takes is one post about a bad experience with online dating and the floodgates open… it’s a pile on of negative experiences – one more horrific than the next

While it’s natural to want to shed a bad experience by sharing it, I want to caution you. When you focus on bad experiences and what’s not working, it creates a negative energetic vibration. Because like attracts like, the more you complain, the more there is to complain about. “Men are horrible. Dating sucks. And the entire experience is distasteful. I’m done!” Can you relate? When you share a negative experience, it validates and reinforces the experiences of others – and attracts more experiences like it to you.

If you have been reading my blogs, hanging around the facebook group, or coming to my talks, you already know I met the love of my life online. I’m so happy and grateful that I suffered through the slackers, fakes and frauds to meet my man.

This got me to thinking… “If I found love online, what did I do differently than my girls on Facebook are doing?”

I never spent more than 6-8 months online and I didn’t date hundreds of men – maybe 20 tops.

Not all were great dates – far from it. I’ve been groped in a taxi and dated a man for five months who wouldn’t do more than give me a peck on the lips. I ran into fakes, scammers and perverts too.

But when I met Steve and we fell so madly in love in this incredible relationship full of mutual respect and ease and flow… I got to thinking…

What did I do that’s so different?

I didn’t complain about bad dates or rude messages because I chose not to focus on them.

Every experience I had online taught me what I wanted more.

I took that negative experience and made an “emotional bridge” to attract what I wanted.

Here’s a scenario… a guy has treated you poorly. You’ve been insulted, stood up, ghosted or gaslighted (I hate those terms by the way – they have victim printed all over them!).

You can’t seem to shake the negative vibe. You blame the guy, online dating and you vent to anyone who will listen.

Here’s what to do to have success finding love online…

Your negative experience is a great teacher for what you DO want in a man and in a relationship. Take out your journal and let’s build a bridge from where you are to where you need to be.

In law of attraction terms, this is building an emotional grid.

An emotional grid is a positive rant on what you do want in your life right now and it goes something like this:

“I love being in a relationship where we have mutual respect for one another. I like a smart man who is also in touch with his emotions and shares his feelings with me.

I love a man who is taller than me, fit and strong – It feels so good to be safe and protected in his arms, plus it’s totally hot…I love it when he shows me respect by walking on the street side, opening my door, and putting his hand on the small of my back to guide me along. We always walk side by side.

We have an ease and flow to being together. We give each other space to do our own thing and we love sharing times together.

Our families integrate well and we can come together as a ‘modern family’ with ease. He values his health and stays in shape and we enjoy eating and cooking healthy foods together… and… sex is fabulous! It’s the best relationship I have ever known.”

Do you get the feel of that?

Just by shifting your emotional state and focusing on what you DO want, you have shifted that vibration and will automatically begin attracting more positive experiences to you.

To take it even further, add some of the things you touched on in your emotional grid to your dating profile. Your online dating profile is your point of attraction online. Filter out the duds and attract in the love that you want through your words. I have a training that can help.


Deb Signature

P.S. If you want a dating profile template that creates a positive point of attraction for your true love, download my dating profile training now available for only $9 here.

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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