How to tap the courage and confidence it takes for your business launch

Whether you have struggled with your business launch up until now, or you are fearful of jumping into the entrepreneurial pool, I’m here to share with you a tried and true formula that ensures your success as an entrepreneur:

Mindset + Mechanics + Metrics = Money

Let’s unpack this one step by step.The very first step in becoming an entrepreneur is Mindset.

The mind is a wily beast and can literally sabotage your success if you let it. Become aware of the inner talk track…

“Who am I to be launching a business?”
“I’ve never launched a business before.”
“What if I fail?”
“What if I run out of money?”
“What if no one wants what I’m selling?”

Fears, untended, turn into resistance.

Resistance takes the form of doubt, procrastination, indecision, confusion, lack of confidence, inaction, disorganization. After all, if you don’t know what to do, if you are confused or disorganized, then you don’t take action. When you don’t take action it erodes your confidence.

Think for a moment. What makes you feel confident? Taking a risk and getting it right? Yes, for sure that does.

How about creating a talk and people show up and attend?

How about creating something that people pay for because it has value to them?

Those are the things that make you feel confident. Can you think of others?

This inner talk track – your inner “mean girl,” as I call her, can really dump some serious rain on your otherwise sunny day. So how do you create a mindset that ensures your success?

What can you do to manage your success mindset?

Document your fears. Letting them hide out in the shadows gives them power over your mindset. Learn to love your fears. Write them down.

Acknowledge their source. If you are over 50, you came from depression-era parents. There was a lot of fear in that generation. What they had worked so hard for could be lost in any moment. You were taught to work hard, don’t spend, get a good job and keep your head down.

That was a good strategy then, but if you are now burnt out in your career and you are becoming jealous of the successful women entrepreneurs around you, you need to learn to deal with these restricting beliefs right now. Do this exercise.

Take a piece of paper and make two columns. On the left, write down all the reasons why you don’t believe you can launch a successful business. Take a good look at that list. What do you notice? Is any of that really true? Are your fears yours? Or were they handed down to you from generations before you?

In the right hand column, take each fear and write what you know to be true. Have you had success in the past? Do others believe in you? Have others been successful at this same game? Are there ways for you to fund your project or ways for you to raise capital? (Note: There are armies of women investors supporting new women entrepreneurs in a number of ways – ping me if you want to know how.)

Know where you are going. It’s hard to take action if you don’t have a vision for where you are going and WHY. Creating a vision for your business and getting in touch with your big why is the first step. What is it that drives you to build this vision?

Get in touch with your big WHY. There’s a reason you have this passion. Why do you want to launch this business. Go seven levels deep to get to your BIG Why and let that be the fire that burns inside you.

Take inspired action. If you don’t know what to do, find someone who does. Get help where you need it from a mentor you can trust. With every step forward, with every hill climbed, so your confidence will grow. Make “one foot in front of the other” your daily mantra.

Discipline your time. Time block your calendar for specific tasks. Admin, writing, business development, client time, working ON your business. Make it a regular schedule each week. Create a rhythm and build momentum. With momentum comes confidence and more momentum.

There are over nine million women owned businesses in the US and 500 new business are started each day. But only four percent will succeed to reaching one million dollars in revenue.

Have faith in your vision. Read it daily. There is nothing that you can’t do when you put your beautiful mind to it. Just manage your mindset to get to the money.

If this has sparked an idea in you, comment below. I’d love to hear about it.


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Got a question about launching or growing a business?

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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