I have to confess. Last year was a tough one…

I struggled with where to focus my business. I struggled with making decisions. I procrastinated like crazy, needing things to be just perfect.

I had desires I wanted to fulfill, people I wanted to meet, money I wanted to raise.

But I didn’t fulfill them.

I stayed with what was easy. Writing a blog here, a webinar there, coaching my clients, but not really committing to the vision I have for my life and my business and sticking to the things I needed to do to really pull it off.

I didn’t keep up with my goals. I stopped meditating. (*gasp*)

You can only get so far working in your fuzzy slippers.

My dad’s voice began ringing in my ears, “Don’t do a half-assed job, Deb.” Yes, he said that regularly enough that it became an affirmation that propelled me to over perform for praise, or not even put my foot in the game for fear of not being good enough.

I was in a negative spiral.

According to physics, an object in motion tends to stay in motion, and I was moving in the wrong direction and getting nowhere fast.

So I decided to make a shift.

Instead of coming from a place of fear… what could go wrong if I didn’t do something right? I decided to just jump in and commit to doing the best I can.

The first thing was to get back on the meditation cushion. It’s impossible to take inspired action if you are not connecting to your intuition.

My inner goddess said, “get out of your fuzzy slippers and get out into the world.”

So out I went. In November I went to Jeff Walker’s LaunchCon in Dallas. (If you don’t know him, he is one of the leaders in internet marketing. His product launch formula is now an industry standard. If you are interested, I can share more with you about that later.)

I met many other entrepreneurs who were just like me, but they moved through the doubt, fear and procrastination and got s&*t done, and they were making millions.

Then, I headed to Austin for the EBW Summit. I was poured into by other women entrepreneurs with mission and vision. The highlight was meeting spending time with my mentor, Ingrid Vanderveldt, and meeting Pat Pearson and experiencing her work on self sabotage.

Wowza! (Holy flashing light bulbs Batman!)

Pat hit home. I recognized that I have a fatal flaw – perfectionism and procrastination are two sides of the same coin. Under Pat’s guidance, I focused on upping my “deserve level” and re-writing my past permissions.

I adopted a new mantra, “I choose.”

I choose to be seen, heard and appreciated.
I choose to earn more money than I need
I choose to have a man in my life who loves and supports me and has my back in all things.
I choose to receive.

Whoah!!! (Reverbs from the Universe)



That, my friend, was the missing link.

I was asking for all of these things through my vision and my mediation (my vision board hasn’t moved an inch in two years), but I wasn’t RECEIVING!

I set my intention for 2018. “I Receive”
I carved it in gold and wear it on my wrist. “Receive”
I do a receiving meditation every day.

And guess what?

Everyday I receive more of what I want. It literally blows me away how much has simply dropped into my lap since I shifted my intention.

I also show up differently. I do what it takes to get what I want. I don’t let fear or self doubt or procrastination get in the way. I shower and get out of my fuzzy slippers. I get out and make things happen.

I ask, “How can I support you?”

And the more I ask. The more I receive.

I share this with you so that you might see where you are standing in your own way.

How are you sabotaging your own success?

How can you get out of your own way and receive more of what you want?

How can I support you?

It’s really quite remarkable and I’m learning to accept this new state of being every day.

And, you know I have your back. If you are feeling stuck and getting in your own way, comment below and let me know. I’ll see if I can help.

Big Love,

Deb Signature

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I have some new training coming out soon for women entrepreneurs and those who want to be. If you’d like to get on board with that…  join now!

Release Fear. Think Clear. Get Into Gear.

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